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If you are serious about wanting to operate a Cannabis Business in the State of California, then this is the information that you need.  There are lots of law firms and other companies that claim they can help you acquire your California Cannabis License.  The reality is that they are attempting to capitalize on the current California "Green Rush" and have very little working knowledge of the industry or the requirements that will be put in place to get your license, and just as important, keep your license by staying in compliance.  We're in the business and currently operate cultivation, manufacturing and distribution companies (all licensed.)  As a result, we know what is required to get licensed and can help you in your effort to secure your license to operate a Cannabis Business in the State of California

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The motivation for a city to issue a cannabis business license primarily has to do with the generation of tax revenue.  One of the largest challenges in this predominately cash business is having a system in place to process, manage, report, and ultimately pay taxes on all revue generated. Without a cash management system in place, this is simply impossible. 

Because of this, California cities are mandating the use of such a system.

“…Cash handling and all cash transactions by employees are prohibited at any medical marijuana business. All medical marijuana transactions shall operate through a cash management system that includes a point of sale and seed to sale system, all integrated into one cash management operating system.  All transactions must be completed through this system…” City of Huntington Park (Greater Los Angeles) mandated for each applicant winning one of the 15 issued cannabis business licenses.

All fifteen above mentioned licensees have contracts with C4Ever systems. ( C4Ever Systems cash management technology has been utilized by governmental entities since 2008, processing over $850 Million in payments. The technology has been utilized by Corrections, Municipalities, Child Support Services, Probation Services and Courts within the United States (including Los Angeles County.) 

For state compliance, it is also imperative that the cash management system is fully integrated with the state seed to sale tracking system. Franwell "Metrc" ( has won the California seed to sale tracking contract. Metrc is the system that is now being used, or will be used, in AK, CA, CO, OH, OR, MD, MI, and most recently NV.

No other data management system integrates with Metrc like Adilas. ( Adilas is a robust, cloud based data management system (Inventory, Tracking, Sales, Point of Sale, Reporting...) that seamlessly integrates with Metrc. Over 800 cannabis licenses currently run their businesses with Adilas (including some of the largest and most successful companies in the industry.)

Having a cash management system and seamless integration with Metrc  will help you acquire a license to operate your California Cannabis Business. We can help you get these pieces of the puzzle put together. Unlike other pieces of advise that are floating around the internet, this is tried and true.  Most cannabis businesses either currently operating or planning to operate have no idea what will be required once California starts requiring specific reporting.  We have been through this in Colorado, and are intimately familiar with what will be required,  In fact, one of our principals, is intimately involved in making suggestions to Metrc.

As stated earlier, there are many law firms and other companies that claim to be able to assist you in acquiring your license.  They however have never operated a Cannabis Company, and have zero real world knowledge of what it takes to legally operate a licensed Cannabis Company. Let us help you get licensed and successfully operate your California Cannabis Company.  There will be a tremendous amount of money to be made, but ike anything else, you need to educate yourself on what it will take to be successful.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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